Call Double H Services today and let us build a plan for using Laydown services for your next job.

Forklift safety is very important at Double H Services. Our operators are carefully selected and put through training to
ensure the absolute best experience by the customer. The operators are trained to work quickly and efficiently to allow
a safe and smooth workflow on location. Our operators have been trained in a large number of situations for different
customers. They understand the way things need to be setup in small or large workovers, SWD operations, Drillout and completions, and Drilling rigs. This allows for ease in understanding of how a customer needs a location setup quickly and easily saving in setup cost and overall expense of equipment on location.
- All our forklifts are rented with a certified operator
- We run the most up to date forklifts in the industry and are equipped with monitoring systems and backup
cameras to help with blind spots and potential hazards on location - Our forklifts are equipped with equipped with a bucket, forks, and jib boom.
- The jib boom is an excellent tool which allows the forklift to safely set bops and wellheads as well as move
trailered equipment around location safely